I finally have a web page I designed on the internet. I have created 2 other web pages that kind of ran out of steam before they were published. The site that you see in the image above,
www.bkimaging.net, was created for a friend of mine. He owns a high resolution drum scanner (no cheesy flatbad kiddies) and is working on getting a digital imaging business going. His scans are very high quality and he really knows what he's doing.
The site is very simple... 5 pages. I taught myself how to do this stuff, so it's nothing spectacular. My friend just wanted to get some kind of web presence as soon as he could. The pages load quickly because there is nothing too complicated going on and I was able to optimize it well. I'll probably be updating it later with some better photos and possibly some other material.
The site was created in
Photoshop first, then exported as slices and assembled in
Dreamweaver MX. Tables were used to layout the art. This is a method that
"they" are trying to abolish in web page design land in favor of CSS. I do it that way because it is an easy way to make sure everything goes where you want it and just easier... period. It looks pretty much the same on different browsers... old and new... Mac or PC.
Hopefully my friend will get some business out of it. Now at least he can say, "Well, you can see on my website..."