OK... I am starting to get annoyed again. Gas prices are up to $3.20 a gallon at my local gas station. That is for super unleaded... the fuel my V6 engine requires. I have been hearing that the price per barrel of crude oil is dropping. Hmmmm... when crude oil prices go up, there is an immediate increase at the pumps. When the price of crude oil goes down, we all have to wait weeks for the prices to get lower. Sounds fishy to me.
The big five oil importers are reporting record profits even though crude oil prices are at their historical highest. They say they can't explain it. I can explain it very easily. The oil companies are increasing consumer prices by a much larger margin than their increased cost of importing. I can just see the meetings: "OK gentlemen. It is costing us 50% more to import oil. We have to pass this increased cost onto the consumer. Lets charge them 150% more for a gallon of gas! We'll blame it on the war in Iraq, on India and on China."
I am waiting to hear the "mild winter" excuse soon as a reason for raising prices. Supply and demand... what a joke.
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